Tuesday 10 February 2015

Marks or Projects..What do I focus on?

Today, I am not going to give you pointers or advice on this topic. Instead, I will narrate two stories and you are free to choose the one you like!

All characters appearing in this work are real. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is absolutely intentional.

Neha was good in academics. She excelled in engineering exams with an average of +75% in all her semesters. She was one of the first to get placed when a battery of IT firms lined up at her campus. Three month down, she knew she did not enjoy the job. She was clueless on how to meaningfully contribute. Day after day, she wrote codes monotonously.  But one fateful morning, she decided to stop compromising. She sat down and identified the gaps  which held her from being good at her job. She picked up couple of hobby projects relevant to her work, read up on internet and enrolled for courses. In six months time, she had done 3 hobby projects and gained deeper understanding of the programming thought process!

At work, she probed her clients on user experience when her colleagues didn't go beyond required specifications. She got to the point where she understood what problem was she addressing and for whom was she solving it. With a holistic understanding, she suggested a number of design changes to enhance user experience. The client got mighty impressed and recommended her to be part of the design team. More success followed and the trend continues till today!

Our second protagonist, Rohit was an excellent engineering student too. He never bothered to top the class, but, always managed to be in top 30 percentile. Automotives and electronics were his favorite subjects. He would get to the depth of the subjects he loved. Reference books, videos, projects…he would leave no stone unturned to satisfy his appetite for learning. But, for the subjects he didn't like, he just scraped through! By the end of four years, he had a healthy number of projects and above average academics. IT companies came in, and he got placed on the very first day. But, life had other plans.

Two months before campus placements, his friend had casually asked for his CV and forwarded to his neighbour who worked for a reputed core engineering company. As  luck would have it, this company called him for an interview on the very next day of his campus placement. A written test, three rounds of technical interview and he bagged the job! The senior manager who took his final interview categorically said that they were impressed by his projects and subject knowledge. After, three years of outstanding experience, Rohit moved on to pursue his post graduation in USA and landed up with a lucrative job in his favorite automotive company. And, he hasn't looked back since then!

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