Saturday 6 June 2015

Final year project - choose wisely...

Part 1 of an ongoing series about final year projects..

In addition to all the conventional wisdom that makes you cautious and calculative, I would like to propose an eccentric take on selecting projects for your final year!

Imagine that you have your dream job. Picture yourself working on the most exciting project. Let’s assume you are an electronics engineer and you would like to work for BMW. 

BMW makes cars; cars have electronics buzzing around in them. Find out what is the simplest possible thing that you can make and is used in a car. Explore any new cutting edge technology that BMW is working on. Read, research and plan a project around it. Can you make a smaller and cheaper mock-up of complex tech that goes into BMW cars?

Get your hands dirty, pursue people who own a BMW or visit a dealership and see the car up close and personal, get inspired and never stop chasing that dream! Follow this process and you won’t run out of passion in those testing times. Persevere and make an awesome project, savour the experience of learning. Imagine how your CV will stand out from others when you apply for jobs! This project could be your ticket to a dream job!

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