Wednesday 19 November 2014

3 things you MUST do to get a CORE JOB

1. Projects

If you are in your first year of engineering, time is on your side! Do as many projects as you can. Don’t bother about what you do not know. Adopt ‘learn-as-you-go’ and dive in! 

If you are in third year, better late than never.The more you make, create and learn in the process, stronger is your resume and better you are at core company interviews! 

2. Internships

Companies love students who do projects. If I was a car manufacturer and you approach me with your car data logger project, I would be delighted. You are different. Show you are worthy and companies will love you.

If a company is reluctant to give you a chance, ask for a in-house non-critical project. Every company has couple of projects lying around unfinished  for the lack of  resources - both time and human. Pitch in and show your resourcefulness. 

Most importantly, keep your promise. Finish the project on time.

3. Network

Spend as much time on Linkedin as you spend on Facebook. Build a LinkedIn profile with focus on projects and internships.

Find people who work for your dream companies. Seek out to them via email. Write polite and professional emails. 90 out of 100 times they will respond. Do not ask them for a job. 

Build relationships, job opportunities will follow.