Wednesday 19 November 2014

The KICK of making it work

That feeling of making it work, when you know no one else will endure through this. You want to sit for a little longer, push your boundaries a little further, one small step at a time, because you care enough!

You read up when you see a problem, even when everyone else is tired of solving problems. 

You JUST cannot let go because you know you can make it better... you read, you understand, you write, you come up with a hypothesis, an equation, a program, a code, a circuit and want to make it work, you know it will work, but maybe not? 

You are ready to press the button to test it, its pure joy or sheer fall! The moment of truth and you take the leap of faith.It works beautifully, it moves with grace, slow and steady rising to its maximum potential, waking all the others who had given up long ago. 

You made it work just because you cared enough, not because you were the only one who could have done it.  And that bond is set forever, the sheer joy of making IT work!

Have YOU experienced this?  Tell us when and why!

He scales the mountain, because he's not afraid of it. He slays the dragon, because he's not afraid of him. And he walks through hellfire... because Broomhilda's worth it. 
--Dr King Schultz in Django Unchained, originally Quentin Tarantino

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