Wednesday 28 January 2015

5 reasons why you should choose to be a Traveling Engineer

Post his engineering in Electronics; Deepak Gupta joined the Engineering and Commissioning Department at Siemens, India. His work required him to be at the client location 9 out of 12 months. He loved every moment of the 3 years at Siemens. Let us find out why!  We asked Deepak – Can you give us 5 reasons why you should pick a job that combines your passion for engineering and travel.

1. Variety

The primary appeal of commissioning for me was the variety of work  and the degree to which it engaged my creativity. One day I would be tuning the machine that packs your Lays chips, the very next day, I would be analyzing a cotton-spinning machine. If you love uncertainty, look no further!

2. Early responsibility 

I was surprised by how much responsibility I was encouraged to take on as early as possible. In my first year in Siemens, I was entrusted to work on relatively complex and innovative machine orders from Turkey. Travelling to client locations, working with international clients very soon into your career is a great learning experience.

3. Top-notch workmates

The people that I worked with were the most interesting and diverse individuals I have ever met. From the hardworking engineers in Coimbatore to the creative ones in Nainital, from the frugal engineer-cum- entrepreneurs of Nadiad (a tiny town in Gujarat) to experts in Turkey, I have learnt the most from my peers.

4. An impressive skills set

Through these experiences, I acquired the ability to think on my feet, as well as follow standard processes. Such profiles could open up interesting options in other career areas further down the line.

Above all, on completion of a successful project, there is immense satisfaction when I see that it has made a real difference and benefited a client.

5. Lastly, travelling is ESSENTIAL

Travelling to new places has shown me life in its truest, barest form. And, it has educated me like no book or degree. I strongly recommend travel at the start of your career because there will never be a better time. You are young. You are eager. And life’s diktat hasn’t been able to bog you down.

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