Sunday 18 January 2015

How do I build my FIRST project?

Kudos! You are on RIGHT track! You cannot become a good engineer without building projects. Before you make your first project, visit to the Lamington Road is a must! Pull out few hundred from your pocket money and head towards Sandhurst (central /harbor line) or Grant Road station (western line).

But, what do I buy?

Engineering students, 10 years ago, started out by building circuits for blinking LEDs, used the 8051, 8085 processors, fiddled with A to D converters In-system programmers and compatible power supplies. With the arrival of open source developer boards, things have got simpler.  I suggest – Buy a developer board.

Which one to buy?

There are numerous boards available in the market varying from Raspberry Pi, Arduino, BeagleBone, Netduino and the likes. Considering cost, complexity and ease of use, Arduino Uno is a good start. The original board (made in Italy) will cost you ~1400 bucks while the exact same Indianized version called Freeduino will cost you ~800 bucks. I love OPEN source :D


What project do I start with?

Click this post for resources on DIY projects OR check Arduino Projects. Start from lesson One.


So, here is your ‘shopping list’ for your FIRST project:

  1. Breadboard (~ 80 Rs.)
  2. Multimeter (~ 220 Rs. Get a basic one that measures voltage, current, resistance, gain, continuity.) 
  3. Wire stripper (~ 80 Rs.)
  4. Wire ( Single strand for breadboard ~ 4 Rs. per metre)
  5. Developer Board (Arduino Uno/ Freeduino ) 
  6. Components – Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors, LEDs etc. as per project requirement (~ 1 to 5 Rs.per piece)

I have intentionally not included soldering iron! It is essential but not for a prototype.

ED tip:

  • Although Visha, Gala electronics, Vega Kits selling robotic kits are popular, try avoiding KITS! Explore the bylanes and talk to the shopkeepers…they are often full of insights!
  • There is a Chinese version of Arduino Uno, which looks exactly like the original one for first time users. How to identify an original Arduino from a fake

Build your first project, click a picture and post on Education Debunked’s  facebook Page. It is time we refuse to become mediocre engineers, it is time to ignite the spark of engineering revolution!

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