Sunday 14 June 2015

Final year project – diversify and gain new skills

Part 2 of an ongoing series about final year projects..

Have you already selected a project ? If yes, what are you waiting for? Start NOW. 

If you are still figuring out what project to pick, I have one more IDEA.
1. Pick up a problem from an industry you have no expertise in and
2. Solve the problem using your expertise

Imagine the amount of learning . . . HUMONGOUS

Imagine a mechanical engineer making a project for the medical industry.

A student we know of set out to build an upgraded trocar compared to the traditional ones used at that time. He was inspired by an incident narrated by a doctor. The doctor needed a modified trocar for laproscopic surgeries to make them less painful. The student started working on this as a hobby project but later made it into his final year project. After numerous 3D printed prototypes and trials at the hospital, his project was awarded the best project of the year. He went on to file for a patent and sell it to a medical instruments manufacturing company in Germany!

There are numerous such examples and you may find seniors who have done projects completely out of their expertise. The biggest incentive of doing such projects is the interactions and learning while working with people from diverse fields.

Let us know in the comments section if you would like us to cover a specific topic related to final year projects.

Like our FB page to get updates on this series...more exciting ideas coming up!

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