Monday 22 June 2015

I have KTs, will I get a job?

Yes, but you need to put in extra efforts to nullify the apparent negative effect a KT has on your profile.

We have had numerous interactions with industry managers on this topic. There is an understandable reason behind not allowing KTs. The idea is “if a student is hard working, persistent and disciplined, he should be able to clear all exams”.  However, companies realise that exam results correlate to only one skill they are looking for, i.e. result orientation. For lack of this skill, you can make up in other areas.

Do relevant projects: Pick up areas of your interest and make projects through which you can display your skills. With maker movement gathering steam, there is no dearth of resources or expertise.

Participate in competitions: If you are a coder, participate in Codechef, Topcoder or Google code jam. Participate in state or national-level competitions organised by IEEE or SAE (automotive) or ISHRAE (mechanical). Companies choose their top talent from such competitions.

Get industry exposure: Do internships. Don’t mind the size of the organisation; be flexible with working hours, travel etc. Working with people from the industry is much better than doing nothing during the vacations.

All of this is possible without any conflict with your academics. The next big hurdle is to convince companies to allow you to participate in campus interviews. There are ways you can make this happen.

Make a CV that stands out, in presentation and content. Share it with your placement head and ask them to push for your case. If you have done good work, no placement co-ordinator will refuse to make that extra effort. One more student placed is a better result for them.

If you know this idea does not work, start researching for jobs and apply before the placement process starts. Some companies may not be interested, but some will definitely give you a chance to interview if you have relevant skills. Research, research and research! There are numerous tools available to find jobs and approach companies.

Tap into your alumni network and find out companies that are willing to give a chance for an interview. Ask for help, but be worthy of it!

Sunday 14 June 2015

Final year project – diversify and gain new skills

Part 2 of an ongoing series about final year projects..

Have you already selected a project ? If yes, what are you waiting for? Start NOW. 

If you are still figuring out what project to pick, I have one more IDEA.
1. Pick up a problem from an industry you have no expertise in and
2. Solve the problem using your expertise

Imagine the amount of learning . . . HUMONGOUS

Imagine a mechanical engineer making a project for the medical industry.

A student we know of set out to build an upgraded trocar compared to the traditional ones used at that time. He was inspired by an incident narrated by a doctor. The doctor needed a modified trocar for laproscopic surgeries to make them less painful. The student started working on this as a hobby project but later made it into his final year project. After numerous 3D printed prototypes and trials at the hospital, his project was awarded the best project of the year. He went on to file for a patent and sell it to a medical instruments manufacturing company in Germany!

There are numerous such examples and you may find seniors who have done projects completely out of their expertise. The biggest incentive of doing such projects is the interactions and learning while working with people from diverse fields.

Let us know in the comments section if you would like us to cover a specific topic related to final year projects.

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Thursday 11 June 2015

Graduate Hiring - Why good marks are not the only thing that matters?

Almost all organizations recruiting engineering graduates require minimum aggregate of 60% or more throughout the student’s academic years. Are marks a holistic criterion to judge a student’s caliber? I seriously doubt.

  • I am not discounting the capabilities of a high scorer. Marks do reflect one important quality that every organization values – being result oriented.  But, organizations also need employees to possess analytical and critical thinking skills, communication and teamwork skills, and understanding of engineering and business practice.
  • Organizations do not expect their employees’ to rote-learn their manuals and give a discourse. They need them to get down, get their hands dirty, think creatively and solve problems for their customers. That is where the MONEY is! Time and again, I have worked with students who have had backlogs or repeated a year but are brilliant when you give them a problem and a basket of tools.  How can organizations afford to miss such gems?
  • Organizations have different profiles which demand different skill sets.  A sales engineer requires strong people skills while an R&D engineer must have critical problem solving skills. So, why should we evaluate them using a standard yardstick?

Go beyond marks. Conduct a project interview. Huddle 50 students in a class, make groups of three, give them a real world engineering problem and ask them to solve. The real test would be how the candidates rise up to the challenge and brainstorm multiple solutions, build models and communicate solutions persuasively.

Wouldn’t it be effective if we assess them on what they do instead of how well they rote! More on experiential evaluation in the next post . . .

Saturday 6 June 2015

Final year project - choose wisely...

Part 1 of an ongoing series about final year projects..

In addition to all the conventional wisdom that makes you cautious and calculative, I would like to propose an eccentric take on selecting projects for your final year!

Imagine that you have your dream job. Picture yourself working on the most exciting project. Let’s assume you are an electronics engineer and you would like to work for BMW. 

BMW makes cars; cars have electronics buzzing around in them. Find out what is the simplest possible thing that you can make and is used in a car. Explore any new cutting edge technology that BMW is working on. Read, research and plan a project around it. Can you make a smaller and cheaper mock-up of complex tech that goes into BMW cars?

Get your hands dirty, pursue people who own a BMW or visit a dealership and see the car up close and personal, get inspired and never stop chasing that dream! Follow this process and you won’t run out of passion in those testing times. Persevere and make an awesome project, savour the experience of learning. Imagine how your CV will stand out from others when you apply for jobs! This project could be your ticket to a dream job!

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